Do You want to know what’s going on?

Need reassurance? Ready for a more peaceful life?

Discover insights and get guidance with a Rural Reading by L
so that you feel validated, aware, and satisfied.


You might need a reading if you have ever wondered…

  • How do I train my animal to communicate?

  • Why are my animals not getting along?

  • Why is my animal acting unwell?

  • My Animal sees something I don’t see and I need someone to talk to their Spirit

  • I think I saw a ghost. Why are they there?

  • I feel like there is a spirit. What do I do?

  • Nothing is going right. What can I do?

  • Everyone tells me what to do, but what is right for me?

  • I am in a rocky relationship. Do I stay or go?

Choose your plan


30-minute Session

  • One-on-One Session

  • Recorded by request

  • Phone, Zoom, or at an Event



Package - Buy 3 Get 4 Sessions

  • One-on-One Session

  • Recorded by request

  • Phone, Zoom, or at an Event

What if I don’t get a reading?

You’ll never know what you’re missing.

Why guess - when you can know and be assured?